My Own Private Turkey Bowl
Okay so there was no turkey or football with friends. But I can relate all too well to my cousin Lief's lament on how sore he was the day after chasing grid-iron glory with friends and co-workers on turkey day.
Today is day 3 of Power90. I've done one complete 90 day round and several partial rounds (ended due to injury) so I'm well accustomed to what is dished out. So I thought why not just jump into the advanced level to begin with and now I remember why you start ... my muscle are screaming after my lifting workouts! It feels great on some level and it will all payoff in the end, and I guess the bright side of having sore muscles is it is a sign that I do have muscles ...somewhere in there :)
Piano a piano.
Gaylen !!! Absolutely I'm coming to the party and everybody else should as will be quite a time and man do I feel great.
Can't wait to see everyone there!
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