F*CKING Whore-Mart
Ok I'm up on my soapbox for this post. Long ago I swore to myself that I would never set foot in a Whore-Mart store, I don't care if they are giving away the secret of long life and health for free, fuck them and the horse they rode in on.
So now it is the holiday season, and as we all know it is the time to celebrate insanely low prices for worthless shit by trampling over your fellow human being at fucking five o'clock in the morning.
Now we have the basic history of the Christmas season out of the way I must say well done to those fine folks at the South Hill Whore-Mart in Puyallup. Yes there were other displays of consumer zeal as impressive all over the country the morning after Thanksgiving (I even saw where retailers more and more are opening for shopping on Thanksgiving..but I digress) but it takes it happening close to home to really make you feel that pride.
In these days leading up to Christmas I beg you not to listen to those who would have you believe this time of year is about celebrating the birth of Jesus or those who advocate giving a hand to others... If it's 5:05AM and you and Jesus are battling for the last $378 laptop computer at Whore-Mart it is well within the spirit of the holidays to kick his ass. I mean what would Jesus do?
Surreal that all these violent episodes happened at wal-marts across the country. They were not prepared. Has there been an apology? Will there be?
It will probably just be a matter of time until somebody sues because they got bopped on the head. And I thought 8 a.m. openings were bad, ahhh the good old days..... "if you build it, they will come" Scary but true.
It is truly unreal...tonight while surfin' and checking out the headlines on cnn.com I run across on of the headlines "'Black Friday' tepid; Wal-Mart a winner."
Just like most of the policies of the current Republican party, Whore-Mart appeals to peoples greed and disregard for others. All Christmas season seems to be about is how much retailers can make off of consumers.
There were fights on the news last night over shopping rage and for those that escaped that and ventured out to shop, the ones interviewed were giddy in a sort of drunken lemming way.
Doc Searls has some interesting things to say about the word consumer. His main beef, I think, is that it isn't an accurate term for what we are. I agree, and I also think it puts the 'buyer' in a submissive position in the relationship, because producing something is admirable and consuming is not. However, whenever you 'consume' goods with cash, you ostensibly produced something to get the cash. Anyway, I think they have us over a barrel if we agree to be called consumers.
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